Chem Notes Chap 15

                                                    Important Questions 

Q1 Define the manure ?

Ans Manure can be defined as the organic material used to fertilize the land usually consisting of the faeces and urine of domestic animals.

Q2 What are the fertilizers ? Why they are needed ?

Ans Fertilizers are the chemical substances added to the soil make up the deficiency of essential elements like N,K,P required for the proper growth of plants. Fertilizers are needed to enhance natural fertility of land or soil & replenish the chemical elements taken up previous plants.

Q3 Different between the micro and macro nutrients ?

Ans Micro nutrients: These are nutrients which are required in very small quantities for the proper growth of plants e.g B,Cu,Mn,Zn Mo & Cl. They are generally required in the range of 6 to 200 grams per acre.

Macro nutrients : These are nutrients which are required in very large quantities for the proper growth of plants e.g N,P,K,Ca,Mg,S,C,H & O. They are generally required in the range of 5 to 200 kilograms per acre.

Q4 Give four Quantities of good fertilizer.

Ans Nutrient element are present in it must be readily available to plant.

It must be fairly soluble in water so that it thorougly mixes with the soil.

It should not be injurious to plants.

It should be cheap.

It must be stable so that is available for longer time for growing plant.

It should not alter the pH of the soil.

By rain of water it should be converted into a from which plant can easily assimilate.

Q5 What is importance of  Phosphorus Nitrogen and Potassium in plants.

Ans Importance of Nitrogen: Nitrogen is required during early growth for development of the stems and leaves. It is the main componant of the chlorophyll imparting green colour to leaves and enhance the yeild and quality of plant.

Importance of phosphorus: Phosphorus is required to stimulate  the early growth to accelerate  the seed and fruit formation during the later stages of growth. It also increase the resistance to diseases.

Importance of Potassium: Potassium is required for the formation of starch sugar and firrous material of the plant by the increase the resistance and make plants strong by helping the healthy root development. It also helps in ripening of seeds fruits and cereals. It is specially useful for tobacco coffee potato  and corn.

Q6 Enlist the  steps involed in the manufacture of urea.

Ans Following are the steps involed in the manufacture of plants 

Preparation oh H2 and CO2

Preparation of NH3

Preparation Ammonium Carbonate 

Preparation urea 

Concentiration of urea 


Q7 What is clinker ? 

Ans These are the greenish black or grey coloured balls varying in size from small nuts to peas obtained from the rotary kiln the initmate mixture of calcrious and agrillacius materils ant sufficiently high temprature.

Why Gypsum adding in to the cement ?

About 2% Gypsum is added in to the cement to prolong the setting time.



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