Chem Notes 2nd Year

                                                     Environmental Chemistry

Q What is smog ? Different between the oxidizing and reducing smog.

Ans: The word is smog combination of two words : Smoke and fog 

The smog containing the high contests of SO3 which is reducing in nature is called the reducing smog while the smog containing the high concentration of oxidizing agents like Ozone is called the Oxidizing Smog.

Q Give the conditions for smog formation.

Ans: Following are the required conditions for the formation of smog

Sufficient amount of NO, Hydrocarbons and volatile org compound emitted by vehicles.

Presence of the sunlight to carry out the reactions at rapid rate.

Movement of air mass must be little so that reactions are not disturbed.

Q Define the environment. Name components of environment.

Ans: Environment can be defined as the combination of biotic and abiotic components present at same place interacting with each other. components of environment are biosphere lithosphere hydroshpere  & atmosphere.

Q What is the acid rain and how does it affect human and birds.

Ans: The dissolution of CO2 ,SO2 & NO2 in the rain water create the acids. The acid reach the surface of the earth by rain water called the acid rain.

                   The acid rain makes the soil and rocks slightly acidic. Thus acidic rocks leach metal like Al,Hg,Pb and Ca. These heavy metals are accumulated in the fishes are health hazards for human and birds as they eat these fishes and birds. Acidification of the soil can also leach nutrients thus damaging the leaves and plants and growth of forest also damaging building materials causing stone cancer.

Q Define pollution ? Differentiate between the primary secondary pollutants with example.

Ans: Pollution: The contamination of our natural sources like land water air by harmful materials which make them unfit for our use.

Pollutants: The poisonous materials added into the environment by human activities which affect the quality of life adversly are called the pollutant. There are two types of pollutants.

 Primary Pollutants: The harmful substances which directly mix in the atmosphere from their sources are called primary pollutants e.g waste amitted from chimneys vehicular exhaust oxides of N2, H/Cs eyc.

Secondary Pollutants: Primary pollutants in the atmosphere rough vasrious reactions produce secondary pollutants e.g H2SO4, H2CO3, HF, PAN,O3


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