Chem Impotant Questions 2nd Year

                                                Chap 7+8+9+10+11+12

Q1 How vital force theory was described By F. Wholer ?
Q2 Differentiate between the vital force and vital force theory ?
Q3 Define catenation ?
Q4 Define the homologous series. Give Examples ?
Q5 Define the organic compound with Examples ?
Q6 Which organic compound was first of all prepared in the laboratory ?
Q7 What is meant by Carbonization of coal ?
Q8 What is petroleum ? Give its origin ?
Q9 What are various types of coal ?
Q10 Define the Faractional Distillation and give the composition of different faractions ?
Q11 Define the cracking of petroleun with suitable Example.
Q12 Octane number of Gasoline is improved by reforming. Explain ?
Q13 Summarize the reforming with the help of suitable Example ?
Q14 Explain thermal cracking . Write formulas of any two compounds obtained by this phenomenon ?
Q15 What is meant knocking petroleum ?
Q16 Define Octane number how it can improved.
Q17 Discuss the the two method of cracking of petroleum ?
Q 18 Give the name and formulas of two heterocyclic aromatic compounds.
Q19  What are alicyclic compounds ? Give two examples.
Q20 Write down the sutructural formulas of (i) Napthalene (ii) Anthracene
Q21 What is meant by the functional group and functional group if isomerism ?
Q22 What are homocyclic and hetro cyclic compounds give each Examples ?
Q23 Differentiate between the alicyclic and aromatic compounds.
Q 24 What is meant by the functional group ? Name and represent two funtional groups containing oxygen ?
Q25 Define aromatic compounds with three examples ?
Q26 In alkane sp3 bybirdization occurs. Discuss ?
Q27 Sketch the shape of C2H6 molecule using the orbital hybirdization approach ? 
Q28 Give the shapes and angles the following compounds using the hybirdization approach ? Ethene and Ethyne ?
Q29 Why restricted rotation is necessary to show the geometrical isomerisam ?
Q30 Give the example of positional isomerisam in alkenes and alkyne?
Q31 What are the necessary conditions for the geometrical isomerism ?
Q32 Cis- Trans isomerism the result of restricted rotation across the C__C double bond ?
Q33 Define the tautomerism with example ?
Q34 Why there is no free rotation around the double bond and a free rotation  around the single bond ?
Q35 Write the structural formulas of isomers ?
Q36 Write the structural formulas of two possible isomers of C4H10 & C5H12 Also name them ?
Q37 What is Cis_Trans isomerism ?
Q38 What is the reason that alkenes show cis-trans isomerism ?
Q39 Justify that 1-Butene Does not show the geometrical isomerism but 2-butene does ?
Q40 Prove with two chemical equations that benzene  behaves as saturated hydrocarbon ?
Q41 Write mechanism for helogenation of benzene in the presence of catalyst ?
Q42 How will prepare n-butane by Wurtz-fitting reaction ?
Q43 What is resonance energy ? Give its value for benzene ?
Q44 What are fused rings aromatic compounds ? Give examples.
Q45 What are primary secondary and tertiary alkyl halides > Give examples ?
Q46 How the nature of alkyle group changes when alkyle halides is converted to Grignard reagent ?
Q 47 Write two method of alkyle halides ?
Q48 What is E2 reaction ? Give one example ?
Q49 What is grignard reagent ?
Q50 What are the b-elimination reactions ? Give an example ?


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