Chem Notes Chap 7

                                                             1st Year Important Questions

Q Define the Thermo-Chemistry ?
The branch of chemistry which deal with the study of heat changes accompanying the physical or chemical reaction is called the thermochemistry. It deals with the amount of heat envolved or absorbed during the chemical reaction.

Q Different between spontaneous and no spontaneous reactions.
Spontaneous Reaction :
                                    The natural irreversible and uni directional process taking place on its without external assistance moving from non equilibrium to equilibrium state
Example Water flow from high level to the lower level.
 Non Spontaneous Reaction : The reverse of spontaneous process which does not take place on its own and hot occurring in nature.
Example : Pumping of water uphill.

Q Differentiate between the exothermic and endothermic reactions.
 Exothermic Reaction:
                               These are the thermochemical reactions in which heat is envloed.
When an exothermic reaction occurs heat is given out by the system and the temperature of the system is rises above the room temperature. Eventually the temperature of the system is falls to room temperature again as the heat produced is lost to the surroundings.

Endothermic Reactions:
                                  These are the thermochemical reactions in which heat is absorbed
When an endothermic reaction occurs the heat required for the reaction is taken from the reacting materials and the temperature of the system falls below the initial temperature. eventually the temperature of the system rises to room temperature again as heat is the absorbed from the surroundings.



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