
Showing posts from April, 2015

Chem Notes 1st Year Chap 4

                                                        Important Questions Q In the hydrogen bonded structure of HF which is stronger bond. The shorter covalent or the longer Hydrogen bond between the different molecules. Ans: Hydrogen bond of HF is shown below                    Shorter covalent bond H___F is stronger than the longer Hydrogen bond F.....,H longer bond. The Covalent bond is twenty times Stronger than the hydrogen. Q In a very cold water fish in garden ponds owe their lives to H-bonding. Ans: When the temperature surroundings falls up to 4 C Degree water on the surface is freezes. During the process of fre...

Chem Notes 1st Year

                                                     Important Questions Q What are the faulty assumption of the K M T ? Ans: According to van der Waal (1873) two postulates of Kinetic Molecular . The gases are faulty which under as                       There is no force of attraction among molecules of a gas                        The actual volume of gas molecules is negligible as compared to the volume of vessel. Q Define the pressure Give Its unis. Ans: The force on a unit area is called pressure             The SI unit for the pressure is Nm-2 or the Paascal. Q Define the ...

Chem Notes 1st Year Chap 2

                                                            Important Question Q  How the desiccators are used for drying of crystals ? Ans: A safe and reliable method of drying crystals is trough vaccum desiccators. In this process the crystal are spread over a watch glass and kept in the vaccum desiccators for several hours. Drying Agents: The drying agents used in desiccators are CaCl2 sillica gel or P2O5 Q Why there is needed to crystallize the crude product ? Ans: When a chemical compound is prepared it is not pure rather a crude product. It is therefore purified by process of crystallization using a proper solvent. Q Define the sublimation. Why solid iodine during sublimation is...

Chem Notes 1st Year Chap 1

                                           Important Questions Q Law of conservation of mass has to be obeyed during the stoichiometric calculations. Ans: Stoichiometric calculation are base upon the balanced chemical equation so the number of moles of the reactant in equal to the number of moles of product. As the numbers of moles of atoms are equal hence their masses should be equal in reactant and product which is according to the law conservation of masses other wise the calculation are not possible. Q Many Chemical Reactions taking place in our surrounding involve limiting reactant. Ans: Many chemical reactions taking place in our surrounding involves the limiting reactant. If it is not so the reactions will go countinously and would never stop. But due to this limiti...

Chem Notes 2nd Year

                                                     Environmental Chemistry Q What is smog ? Different between the oxidizing and reducing smog. Ans: The word is smog combination of two words : Smoke and fog  The smog containing the high contests of SO3 which is reducing in nature is called the reducing smog while the smog containing the high concentration of oxidizing agents like Ozone is called the Oxidizing Smog. Q Give the conditions for smog formation. Ans: Following are the required conditions for the formation of smog Sufficient amount of NO, Hydrocarbons and volatile org compound emitted by vehicles. Presence of the sunlight to carry out the reactions at rapid rate. Movement of air mass must be little ...


                                                       Sad Poetry                                    Bus ik hsil c ho gy hai zindagi                                      Safer b roz ka hy or jana b kahin nai  Hum tu mar mitenge teri hurmat par                    pak watan ...

Chem Notes Chap 15

                                                    Important Questions  Q1 Define the manure ? Ans Manure can be defined as the organic material used to fertilize the land usually consisting of the faeces and urine of domestic animals. Q2 What are the fertilizers ? Why they are needed ? Ans Fertilizers are the chemical substances added to the soil make up the deficiency of essential elements like N,K,P required for the proper growth of plants. Fertilizers are needed to enhance natural fertility of land or soil & replenish the chemical elements taken up previous plants. Q3 Different between the micro and macro nutrients ? Ans Micro nutrients: These are nutrients which are required in very small quantities for the p...

Chem Notes Chap 13

                                                             Important Questions Q1 Define carboxylic acids. give their Classification. Ans The organic compounds containing the carboxyl group as a functionality are called carboxylic acid. the group is itself combination of carbonyl group (>C=O) and hydroxyl group (OH) Carboxylic acid may be aliphatic or aromatic depending upon whether -COOH group is attached with an alkyl or aryl group.                Aliphatic Carboxylic acid R-COOH                 CH3COOH  Acetic acid              Aromatic Carboxylic acid ...