
Showing posts from April, 2023

English 9th Class Guess 2023

  Sr# Paragraphs Lesson 1 The period of waiting had…… 1 2 When Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was thirty… 1 3 In the fifth and sixth…… 1 4 The revelation of the divine……. 1 5 Since this belief was ……… 1 6 Patriotism means love for……… 2 7 Patriotism gives people strength…… 2 8 Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali……. 2 9 Teacher: OK, as we have decided……. 3 10 Student 1: Media helps……… 3 11 The preparation for this journey…… 4 12 Her grandfather, Hazrat Abu Quhafa…. 4 13 Hazrat Asma will always remain…… 4 14 During the early and difficult……. 6 15 The whole journey of the great……. 6 16 The ideology of Pakistan was…… 6 17 Quaid-e-Azam was a man of strong……. 6 18 Today the Quaid’s Pakistan is………     7 19 Blue Mosque reflects the architecture…… 7 20 The upper level of the interior is…… 7 21 The most important element in……. 7 22 The Masjid has a specious………. 7 23 In the evening, a large number……. 7 24 I was upset. The advice to leave……. 9 25 She and her family had entered……. 9 25 I contin...


 Living a healthy lifestyle is essential in today's world. Our bodies are constantly bombarded with pollutants, toxins and hormone disrupters on a daily basis. To ensure that we stay healthy and happy, it is important to make conscious choices regarding our diets, exercise habits and stress management practices. Eating a balanced diet of fresh fruits and vegetables is key in preventing many health problems associated with an imbalanced diet including heart disease, diabetes and obesity. Eating whole foods also helps us get the right amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins and antioxidants to maintain good health. Regular exercise not only helps us keep off excess pounds but can also help boost energy levels while aiding mental clarity. Regular physical activity strengthens our hearts as well as reduces inflammation from within the body which can eventually lead to chronic conditions such as arthritis or cancer. Finally managing stress levels is crucial for preventing long-term il...